My name is Ferhat Tütüncü,  I am 23 years old and I am from Turkey. I study French Language and Literature at Ankara University.  Even though I have always wanted to participate in any volunteering projects, only this year I could have chance to take role in such project.
  Like everyone, people with disabilities have the right to take an active part in society. The fact that some of us differ from others does not make them incomplete, we must prevent these differences from being a barrier between us and them, and we must strive to ensure that they have equal opportunities with us.
  I think that people who limit their viewpoints only with their own habitat will miss out on many experiences in life. Therefore I believe that the participation of young people in volunteer projects will add a lot to their lives. Expanding our perspective, gaining new experiences, touching other people's lives and finding a place for ourselves in their stories and making unforgettable memories in the meantime are just a few of the many contributions that volunteering can bring to us.
  We must not forget that we are a part of society. We should feel responsible for every living thing in need and our environment, and try to help without expecting anything material in return. Although volunteering, helping others may seem like a small step to us, we should be a part of these steps as much as we can and remember that the small steps taken by every person will eventually turn into big steps that make a sound.