
System and Generation Association continues to take firm steps forward in projects development.
S&G has started supporting the "Ankara Social Innovation Youth Center Project" carried out by the Ankara Development Agency, within the scope of the Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation Financial Support Program.
The project partner is the Social Innovation Application and Research Center (ASBÜ-SİM) representing Ankara Social Sciences University (ASBÜ) and the implemention of the project will take place at ASBÜ campus.
Prepared by the project team of the System and Generation Association, the official starting date of the "Ankara Social Innovation Youth Center" project (ASİGM) is the 25th/June/2020, with reference number TR51 / 19 / SGAK / 0006, which is eligible for support within the scope of the "Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation Financial Support Program" of Ankara Development Agency.
The aim of the ASIGM Project, which will be carried out for 18 months with the project partner Ankara Social Sciences University, is to play an active role in increasing social entrepreneurship and innovation practices in Ankara by guiding young people who want to instill social innovation in the capital city of Turkey and progress in this field. ASİGM, which will provide educational services as well as guidance, will be effective in increasing the qualified human resources of Ankara.
Covid-19 virus, which affected the world in 2020, affected our lives in many areas. In ASIGM, innovative ideas will be generated to help us spend our social life together despite the virus, and young people who live and observe the process will be able to prepare their own projects in order to overcome their difficulties. In this period, especially social entrepreneurship and social innovation come to the forefront, and through ASIGM, studies on these issues will be accelerated.
On 26 June 2020, the Rector of Ankara Social Sciences University, Prof. Dr. Musa ARICAN, joint the official meeting with the presentation of the activities of the ASIGM. Therefore, the project has officially started and the first foundations of Ankara Social Innovation Youth Center were laid at the university.
Training Modules of ASIGM :
Ankara Social Innovation Youth Center is Established at ASBU Campus: https://asbu.edu.tr/tr/haber/ankara-sosyal-inovasyon-genclik-merkezi-asbu-yerleskesinde-kuruluyor
SOCIAL INNOVATION CENTER ESTABLISHED IN ANKARA: http://www.altinhaberajansi.com/index.php/2020/08/02/ankarada-sosyal-inovasyon-merkezi-kuruldu/
SOCIAL INNOVATION CENTER ESTABLISHED IN ANKARA: http://www.altinhaberajansi.com/index.php/2020/08/02/ankarada-sosyal-inovasyon-merkezi-kuruldu/
Video of ASIYC


This Press Release has been prepared within the scope of the "Ankara Social Innovation Youth Center" project supported by the T.C. Ankara Development Agency.
The sole responsibility for the content belongs to the Association of System and Generation and it does not reflect the opinion of the Ankara Development Agency.


This Press Release has been prepared within the scope of the "Ankara Social Innovation Youth Center" project supported by the T.C. Ankara Development Agency.
The sole responsibility for the content belongs to the Association of System and Generation and it does not reflect the opinion of the Ankara Development Agency.