Hello everyone, 
My name is Elena Peshinoska. I am a Macedonian girl that comes from a place with wonderful natural features called Vevcani, based in the southwest side of the country. I am a 21 years old Tourism student in Varna, Bulgaria. I chose my profession for many reasons but mainly because I love travelling, wanted to dig deeper into the speciality but also because there are now plenty of ways to raise awareness about the environment through tourism. 
One of the many things I enjoy doing the most is travelling. The excitement when visiting a new city, trying the country's traditional food for the first time is a different kind of spirit uplifter for me. 
And as a big language enthusiast meeting lots of new people and learning a few words in their language is as enjoyable as it's fulfilling. 
But not all of the cities I've visited in the past year reached my expectations. And I’m not talking about the plain beauty of the cities. The amount of trash polluted places, overloaded trash bins and streets full of cigarette leftovers were distressing. It’s sad that people haven’t realized how cruel they are towards nature but at the same time to their own selves.
As volunteers, our vision is to raise people’s awareness of how significant nature is and how necessary it is to take care of it because it reflects on our own health. 
Being aware of all this, it's about time we take the matter in our hands and start thinking outside our phones.