From 17th to 20th of October in Fragneto Monforte, Benevento,  S&G Coordinator Mrs.Kashari attended the APV(Advanced Planned Visit) of the project entitled ‘United We Play’ which is going to be hosted  between 3rd-14th December 2019 by our Italian partner YMCA Parthenope ONLUS.

The APV brought together one representative from each of the participating organizations coming respectively from Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Greece, Serbia, Italy and Turkey.
The meeting was a great chance to discuss about the activities to be carried out in December, working spaces & and local institutions as well as the methods to be used.

The group had the chance to visit the areas where the activities will take place during the Youth Exchange, met the representatives and were introduced to the general activities that they organize in their daily work.


Besides, cultural visit took place in Benevento where at the same time were organized two workshops.

As a summary, to describe this APV I could express it with the words used by one of the members: It was well-promising!