First, the president of FRI(GAE) made the presentation for the institution he represents, then it was his turn to present the S&G association.The program then started with the "gelecek tasırım çalıştayı" workshop where more knowledge was given about climate change, its consequences and today's impact on society. Then S&G gave more data on 7Rs(Rethink,Refuse,Reduce,Reuse,Repair,Regift,Recycle).After the presentations, the turn was given to the students, where they were divided into groups and continued to choose the specific topic and the ideas created by them. We must accept the fact that the workshop lasted with long discussions and fruitful results. We thank GAE for making us present. with the hskfl workshopAfter the presentations, the turn was given to the students, where they were divided into groups and continued to choose the specific topic and the ideas created by them. We must accept the fact that the workshop lasted with long discussions and fruitful results .Future Research Institute and S&G Assocation in Milli İrade International Girls Anadolu Imam Hatip High School.
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