What is Europeers?
EuroPeers are young people who have gathered European experiences of their own under any youth programme and want to share them with their peers. They may have gone abroad with the European Voluntary Service or dealt with European issues as participants in a youth initiative.
EuroPeers report on their experiences and talk to their peers about the Erasmus+ YOUTH IN ACTION programme and other mobility schemes for young people. EuroPeers either organise their own events or may be invited by schools, youth welfare offices or cultural centres to speak. All EuroPeers perform these activities voluntarily.
What is the EuroPeer project about?
The European EuroPeer project is based on a common understanding with specific aims:
- EuroPeers inform and motivate many young people about learning mobility opportunities through the Erasmus + YOUTH IN ACTION programme, based on their own experience
- EuroPeers increase the visibility and the sustainable dissemination and exploitation of Erasmus+ YOUTH IN ACTION programme results
- EuroPeers increase awareness of European topics related to young people
- EuroPeers empower themselves and other young people to become informed, motivated and active citizens in Europe
- EuroPeers reach young people with fewer opportunities through a peer-to-peer approach and based on their personal backgrounds
The European EuroPeers project had some predecessor projects in different countries. These projects were developed by the National Agecies of the EU’s youth programme.
In Germany the EuroPeers project was developed in 2005. From 2005 till 2014 around 650 EuroPeers have taken part in training courses. They have organised and managed more than 800 different activities across Germany.
In Poland the Ambassadors of the Youth in Action Programme was established in July 2012. In the first year 25 ambassadors were trained to support the Polish NA by promotional activities for young people and to strengthen their own personal development. These 25 ambassadors have created an enormous attention and recognition.
In 2009 Austria has started to send young people to the German EuroPeer trainings. Once back in Austria the Austrian NA supports them with their activities.
In Estonia a group of young people has been active during the last few years to present the YOUTH IN ACTION programme and promote non-formal education.
Norway started in 2013 with the first Norwegian EuroPeers training. Nine EuroPeers were trained and have started their first activities with huge engagement.
This wave inspired the Belgian/Flemish NA to join the recent development of a common EuroPeers project on a European level and to start a peer-education group on Flemish level.
In May 2014 these six countries gathered for a strategic planning meeting and shaped a common understanding and vision for a Europeanisation of the peer projects existing at national level.
Other countries have started peer projects or are interested in joining the common European project
Europeers exists in Austria, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Netherlands, Begium, Poland, Slovenia, Bulgaria, UK, Romania